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Developed by RSC

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The room locator allows employees to locate and view basic information for each room. Options are found under the "Actions" drop-down next to each room, and can include:

  • Summary
  • Edit Room
  • Assets
  • Amenities
  • Floorplan
Actions Room


The room summary shows basic information such as number, name, location, category, and more.

Room Summary

Edit Room

The edit room feature allows users with permissions (users who are part of the admin security group) to change information about the room they searched. The information that can be edited is:

  • Room Name
  • Room Category
  • Room Type
  • Room Standard
  • Room Use
  • Phone Number
  • Capacity
Edit Room


Room assets lets users see what tracked equipment and assets are assigned to each room, such as computers, printers, screens, etc. It can also show the telecom available in the room by displaying jacks and faceplates.

Room Assets


The room amenities view displays a configuration of the room furniture, a picture of the room, and what amenities are available, such as chairs, projectors, whiteboards, etc.

Room Amenities


This will display a floorplan with the selected room highlighted.

Room Floorplan